Chapter Head Application

We are so glad you are interested in applying to be your school’s chapter head for its first year! Remember, you are only eligible to become head if you fit the following categories:

  1. Your school must have proved member interest (at least three interested girls) and administration approval.
  2. Your school either requested/offered that you apply, offered the chance to apply to all girls, or you are a founding member of your school’s chapter.
  3. You are in good disciplinary standing (your school’s administration is responsible for notifying you if you are not).
  4. You have reviewed the Chapter Constitution and understand the responsibilities headship requires.
  5. Are passionate about our organization or idea (this should be a given, but we like to check!)

If you have questions regarding the application process, please send us an email. In general, we review applications with a holistic approach, searching for those girl or girls that will provide the best leadership during your chapter’s initial year. If, of course, you are your chapter’s founder or co-founder, headship applications have been limited to your chapter’s founding members.

With that said, congratulations on your choice to apply to become your chapter head! We can promise that it will be a highly rewarding experience.


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